
LoRaWAN Gateways

LoRaWAN Gateways


The Gateway is the heart of a LoRaWAN system, collecting readings from Nodes and passing them on to the back end servers. A Gateway is simply a small computer fitted with a  multi-channel radio system which can receive and transmit on the designated LoRa WAN frequencies.








The RAK7249 is an outdoor Gateway with 4G, Ethernet and WiFi back-haul capability. Although several versions of the unit are available, we have standardised on the version with internal 10AH backup battery. Our recommendation is that you install the Gateway at eye level and then run a low loss cable up to the antenna. The antenna should be fitted with a lightning protection module. The RAK7249 is powered via a PoE adaptor and we can also supply a 12V PoE adaptor and solar power supply (12V 80W with 60AH battery) for off grid installation.


RAK 7258






The RAK7258 is an indoor gateway packed with features. Configuration is achieved using a full graphical user interface, with the device connecting via Ethernet or WiFi. We can also supply the RAK7258 with an on board 4G modem, allowing you to use cellular back-haul on properties with no on site Internet connection. The RAK7258 is built on the OpenWRT platform and comes with a full graphical configuration interface.








The RAK7240 is an outdoor gateway targeted at private users. It comes with 4G, Wifi and Ethernet back-haul. The unit may be mounted on a post or fascia/wall. Power comes from a PoE adaptor. The RAK7240 is fully featured and can be run with the Semtech Packet Forwarder, in Basics Station mode or as a stand alone LoRa Network Server (LNS).








For those who like to tinker, we can also supply Rising HF’s Gateway Discovery kit, which includes a Raspberry Pi Compute module, LoRaWAN RF module, interface board, connectors and pre-loaded SD card as well as a RHF076 LoRaWAN RF modules (we can also supply the kit without the RF modules if you  have  your own node solution. You will need to supply your own case and antenna, but this kit allows you to build a Gateway which shares its heart with the RHF2S008.
For the technically minded, the kit is shipped with a Raspberry Pi Model 3, whose micro SD card is preloaded with all the required software/firmware .  Getting the kit running is a simple process if you are familiar with the Raspberry Pi single board computer - if not, you will need to spend some time reading up on it before you start.
You can fit everything in to a polycarbonate enclosure and have a well priced, well featured Gateway. A bit of extra effort - for example a diecast aluminium case and external antenna - will get you an outdoor Gateway which you can mount on a mast for better range.
In standard form the Gateway kit is powered from  a 2A 5V DC plugpack, but it would be possible to set it up for solar power as well. Alternatively you could add a commercial PPoE adaptor. As the Raspberry Pi 3 includes a WiFi card, you can use the Wifi or Ethernet ports to connect the gateway to your network. For remote sites, you can add a Wireless router  module.