

Sensor Type





SDI-12 - USB Interface








The TBS03 is a versatile USB to SDI-12 converter, an essential companion for anyone involved in configuring and testing SDI-12 sensors. The unit connects to the USB port on a PC and is supplied with “SDI-12 Commander” a terminal emulator which allows you to save config files for all your sensors, providing simple single click configuration. It is available in 3 versions: TBS03 with SDI-12 commands; TBS03-01 with auto measurement and bus sniffer mode; TBS03-02 with full SDI-12 compatibility testing. View TBS03 brochure


Analogue to SDI-12 Converters








For  years, people have been calling for a more economical way to build  automatic weather stations. Yes, there are multi-sensor climate  instruments on the market but these all suffer from one major  disadvantage: if any sensor element fails, you must remove the whole  unit and send it for repair, which can lead to long periods with no  weather data. For this reason many people prefer to use individual  sensors, but the cost of loggers & telemetry units which support  multiple analogue sensors as well as fast pulse counters for wind speed, has proved a barrier. The Tekbox TBS02PA is the answer. It does all of  the hard work for you, converting signals from a host of analogue and  pulse climate sensors to the SDI-12 format, enabling you to use lower  cost SDI-12 loggers / telemetry.

The TBS02PA comes in a polycarbonate enclosure and is fitted with 8 stainless steel cable glands. View TBS02PA brochure


Junction Box








The 8 Port Junction Box from Tekbox is intended for quick and easy connection of the cables from multiple  SDI-12 sensors to a logger or telemetry unit. The unit is built around a Fibox enclosure and has 8 stainless steel cable glands. A DIN rail  mounted version is also available. Inside is a set of 8 off, 4 way cage  clamps. A breathe vent on the enclosure helps avoid moisture build-up  inside the case. View 8 Port Junction Box brochure


Precision Temperature Sensor Interface








The  Tekbox TBSPT8-DR is an 8 channel precision temperature interface  designed for high accuracy temperature measurement via PT100 or PT1000  sensors. The interface returns temperature readings over the SDI-12  interface and is configured using extended SDI-12 commands.

Temperature channel resolution is 0.001 oC and the unit is calibrated to an accuracy of +/- 0.02 oC. Measurement range is -80 to +300 oC. View TBSPT8-DR Brochure


SDI-12 Range Extenders

TBS07 - TBS10







The Tekbox TBS07 - TBS10 combination allow you to increase the range of SDI-12 communications  beyond the recommended 60m limit. The units will also prove effective in high noise environments. The TBS10 unit is installed at the data logger or telemetry unit in place of the SDI-12 sensor. It takes its power  from the SDI-12 bus and converts the SDI-12 signals to RS-485 format  enabling them to be sent over long cable runs. A TBS10 unit is installed at each sensor location and its job is to convert the RS485 signals  back to SDI-12. The TBS07 and TBS10 are available in a DIN Rail mounting or plastic enclosure. View TBS07 brochure










The TBS09DR is a MODBUS to SDI-12 converter. It allows up to 10 MODBUS sensors (RS485 only) to be connected to an SDI-12 compatible telemetry unit or data logger
The TBS09 is available as a bare PCB or in a DIN Rail mounting enclosure.
The unit is programmed using extended SDI-12 commands. Each MODBUS sensor is mapped to a separate SDI-12 measurement (!0 through M9!) . Users can choose the warm up time, the register type, the data type for the values and what register will be read. The TBS09 also allows you to set an initialisation string which will be issued to the sensor to trigger a measurement.


WaterMark Interface








The WMI is a 4 channel watermark / gypsum block interface, which allows you to connect the sensors to any SDI-12 compatible telemetry unit or logger.
The WMI is supplied in a small polycarbonate enclosure which is fitted with a breather vent to prevent moisture buildup. The sensor cables and cable to the telemetry unit enter via cable glands. The sensor cables terminate on easy to use screw terminal.r
The WMI  is simple to configure, using extended SDI-12 commands.


Pole Sets








Pole set, aluminium includes 2 off 1.4m pole sections, star picket base and hinge clamps. Also available Extension pole 1.4m with tapered end


Solar Sets








We can supply solar sets in a range of sizes and configurations: 12V and 6V panels in 5W and 2W capacities; bare wires or with connectors to suit various telemetry platforms.